
The English department’s vision is aligned with that of the school:
an inclusive education for all; all our students deserve a curriculum that meets their differing needs; to enable all students to fulfil their unique potential; for our students to be successful members of our community and to enhance their life opportunities.

Pupils will leave our school highly proficient in both written and oral communication, with excellent literacy skills and with a love of reading.


Core Values across the curriculum english

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Our curriculum intent is:

  • To increase cultural capital through the study of English literary heritage texts.
  • To be challenging to all learners so that they meet or exceed their potential through use of digital technology to remove any barriers to learning.
  • To focus on sophisticated vocabulary in order to become experts in the use of the English language.
  • To create confident readers, writers and speakers to enhance the life opportunities of our students.
  • To develop a wider educational experience for our learners which enriches their world experience.
  • Encompass the whole school core values through the English curriculum.

The English curriculum will:

  • Inspire our students with a culturally rich, planned and sequenced curriculum, with emphasis on texts taken from the English literary heritage. Students will develop a love and passion for English and literature.
  • They will be able to confidently explore writers’ intentions and methods through experience of studying a wide range of texts from Shakespeare, through the Victorian period, to the present day.
  • Challenge all learners across all 5 years, by taking into account different starting points. All our students should be able to confidently articulate the writers’ intentions in each text and explore the key
    messages of the texts they study by being critical consumers of literature. They should be able to explore and explain how writers achieve their intentions through using a range of literary methods.
  • Develop effective literacy and communication skills – therefore creating learners who are confident readers, writers and speakers.
  • Embed a range of wider opportunities and experiences for all, to ensure our learners have an educational experience that is rich and varied. This will be achieved through guest speakers with ‘real-life’ experience of English and extra-curricular opportunities.
  • Develop digital skills to remove all barriers to learning so that all students achieve and develop confidence through using high-level vocabulary; demonstrating the critical importance that vocabulary has
    to the attainment of students and their future life opportunities.
  • Ensure students are challenged and stretched by developing their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills in order to provide foundations for every aspect of school life.

Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum maps demonstrate the implementation the curriculum in each subject area.

The curriculum maps show KS3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and KS4 (Years 10 and 11).

KS3 Curriculum Content



KS4 Curriculum Content




English KS3 & KS4 Curriculum

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