
The school’s vision is modelled in the Maths curriculum, where we believe in inclusive education for all.

We believe that all of our students deserve a curriculum that meets their differing needs and enables them to fulfil their unique potential.


Core Values across the curriculum maths

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We want our students to be successful members of the community and to maximise their life opportunities. It is the intention of the curriculum to enable this.

Our curriculum intent is:

  • Coherently plan, sequence and adapt our curriculum to meet the unique needs of all of our learners.
  • Offer breadth of study at KS3 that is sequential in leading to study at GCSE level; all students will be stretched and challenged over 5 years, taking into account different starting points.
  • Develop effective literacy and numeracy skills through digital technology creating learners who are confident and competent readers, writers and speakers, with essential analytical skills needed for life.
  • Embed a range of wider enrichment opportunities and experiences, at least one per year, to ensure our learners have an educational experience that is rich and varied.
  • Encompass the whole school core values through the Maths curriculum.

As a result the Maths curriculum will:

  • Create a positive attitude towards mathematics and an awareness of its applications and uses, whilst developing an understanding of mathematics through a combination of fluency, reasoning, problem solving and enquiry.
  • Develop independent learners who can produce high standards of written work, with the support of the best e-learning platforms available, through promoting deliberate retrieval of key facts and procedures.
  • Develop digital skills to remove all barriers to learning that will encourage the ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically; whether doing this independently or working with their peers.
  • Help students grasp the bigger picture; an ability to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum and in real life.
  • Ensure students are challenged and stretched by developing their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills in order to provide foundations for every aspect of school life.
  • Use schemes of learning that allow all students to become fluent with their maths skills and to develop their abilities to show reasoning and use problem solving strategies. In Years 7, 8 and 9, all students follow the same curriculum, this is one that ensures smooth transition from primary school. Lessons are designed using the teaching for mastery approach, this is centred around students gaining a depth of understanding before breadth. In Years 10 and 11 students are grouped based on ability and follow either the higher or foundation pathway. The Key Stage 4 curriculum will flow seamlessly from Key Stage 3.
  • Recall prior learning in all year groups as students sit mini unit tests throughout the course to consolidate their learning of current topics and take longer holistic examinations to test understanding.

Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum maps demonstrate the implementation the curriculum in each subject area.

The curriculum maps show KS3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and KS4 (Years 10 and 11).

KS3 Curriculum Content

KS4 Curriculum Content


Maths Key Stage 3 Curriculum

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